Security alert! Do not hire! Do not contact!
Supporter of state terrorism!

Ruscist Franky Puystjens

Franky Puystjens

Birth date:

Information on Peacemaker (

Alternative names:

Known adresses:


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General info:

This ruscistic person is also an antisemite. See e.g. And this ruscistic and antisemitic idiot, who hating the West, and loving only rshit like uZZia, China and North Korea aaaaand HAMAS, calls himself "anti-nazi".
How stupid could people be?
Possibly these are also his pages:

Links to samples of ruscizm:

Some screenshots of ruscizm:

Additional Info


Some screenshots:

We kindly ask law enforcement agencies to consider this publication on the site as a statement about the commission by this person of deliberate acts against the security of the world, the security of mankind and international law and order, as well as other offenses.